I'm pleased that you're having a look at my site dedicated to amateur astrophotography, maybe a passion that we share.
My name is Davide Coverta, I was born in 1979 and I live in Milan, Italy, with my girlfriend Ilaria and our two dogs, Lillo and Mia.
I work as an elevator installation engineer.
I also have other hobbies besides the observing of the sky, including modeling and disc jockeying.
Sometimes I go fishing with my friends, and I like to go mushrooming in the woods. In October 2011, since Ilaria showed an interest in it, I gave her a small telescope with a go-to mount..
I did not think so, but since then I have also started to feel really interested in observing the wonders of the sky.
That interest has since grown, becoming a true passion when, at the end of 2012, I decided to buy my first DSLR camera, a second hand old model but fully functional, with which
I've taken the first step in this difficult but fascinating discipline, Amateur Astrophotography. Since then I have continued to seize every opportunity that allows me to move under the dark skies of the northern Italian mountains with my equipment, to shoot the beauty of the deep sky.
I love the time spent under the stars, and I love keeping the memory of those nights alived, collecting and sharing the images I've put on this site for anyone wishing to observe them.
If you want, send me an email here: Davide Coverta
Comments and advice are always more than welcome!
Clear skies..